Copilot Voice

Write code
without the keyboard

Difficulty typing? Use your voice to code
without spelling things out by talking with GitHub Copilot.

Copilot Voice was formerly known as "Hey, GitHub!". We concluded the technical preview of GitHub Copilot Voice on April 3, 2024. We have transferred all the learning and feedback from this technical preview to VS Code Speech extension , which is generally available for download today. We encourage you to support the VS Code Speech extension. Your feedback is incredibly valuable and the VS Code Speech team would like to hear from you as they carry on this work.

Copilot, toggle code mode
import pandas
import graph plotting library
Copilot, insert new line
get titanic csv data from the web and assign it to variable titanic data
clean records from titanic data where age is null
fill null values of column Fare with average column values
drop duplicates from the frame titanic data
Copilot, new line
plot line graph of age vs fare column
change to scatterplot
Show plot
Copilot, exit code mode
Copilot, run program
Scatterplot demonstrating distribution of age versus ticket price for the Titanic. An illustration of the output of the program.


Return a boolean
Write/edit code
Just state your intent in natural language and let Copilot Voice do the heavy lifting of suggesting a code snippet. And if you don't like what was generated, ask for a change in plain English.
Go to the next method
Code navigation
No more using mouse and arrow keys. Ask Copilot Voice to...
  • go to line 34
  • go to method X
  • go to next block
Run the program
Control the IDE
"Toggle zen mode", “run the program”, or use any other Visual Studio Code command.
Explain lines 3 - 10
Code Summarization
Don’t know what a piece of code does? No problem! Ask Copilot Voice to explain lines 3-10 and get a summary of what the code does.

Type less, code more

Write and edit code, navigate the codebase, and control Visual Studio Code with your voice.

We concluded the technical preview of GitHub Copilot Voice on April 3, 2024. We have transferred all the learning and feedback from this technical preview to VS Code Speech extension , which is generally available for download today. We encourage you to support the VS Code Speech extension. Your feedback is incredibly valuable and the VS Code Speech team would like to hear from you as they carry on this work.